Look, its me!

Look, its me!
Well Hello There

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

My Most Educational And Nervous Day Ever!

Hello World!

Well, i woke up today and i have to say. I was really excited. Today i done my first Rescue Diver Course.

I spent a day before planning out how i would do it, but once the moment came, well... Yeah. That plan didnt work to its expected degree. I was really nervous when i got in the pool, i tried not to let it show, but i think it did shine through quite a bit.

In the pool with me I had my two students Sam DMI (Dive Master Intern) and David, a 15 year old who came in to do his course. Also with them was some helpers ("Victims") : Mary ,(my boss) Melinda, (my boss's daughter) Andy and Dannii (DMI)

I have to say i has to be the most nerve wracking thing i have done in a while, but i had so much fun. For me doing my  Rescue Diver Course was my most benficial and favoured course, i remember my Instructor Ally (Back in Glasgow) teaching my, i kind of molded both my current boss's style with his. It seemed to work well. There was a few times when i asked my boss for help, which is okay, i am never shy to ask when i need it. But i think she understood it was new to me, She is lovely though.

So, after all the splashing and atacking of rescuers who got that little bit too close (Much to Melinda's delight) the pool session was over. Bang on!

From here we all made our way back to the Dive Resort were "Not The Boss" was getting ready for a boat dive. I thought to myself, great. I can just sit down and chill out and collect myself. Then ofcoure, i get my next course. My first EF|R course! I was still nervous from the rescue diver course and i had began doing the EFR with trembling hands. So, i composed myself and cracked on.

I have to say, i was dredding today... But i can honestly say this day has been one of my funnest days in my diving career so far. And i can't wait until the next one. Thank you "
Boss" and "Not The Boss" for one of my favourite days with Amarilla Divers - even if i didnt say it to you. Its been ... Educational.

Diver 18 Signing out after a great day!!

viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

Advanced Course and Scuba Diver!!

Well Howdy Yal!

So, i have had a busy day! I was up at 8:15 awoken to a really cold morning! Its Tenerife, and its cold! Its just not fair.. However, i was struck by a beautiful sight as i walked out my front door. A perfect view of the mountain covered in snow! It was amazing.
I was in the Dive Center for 9 and i was straight back into the Scuba Diver course, (which i strarted yesterday) OW Dive 2 on the House reef, Bang on! Everything was ace, skills were good, nice life. Some beautiful Cuttlefish, Octopus and Blue Damsels... Usual suspects really.
Got out and finished off the rest of the paperwork, got a photo and boom, Jobs a good'un!

Sam got his Advanced Open Water Course done, so he is now Advanced trained. So yeah, He got his temp card today with a epic photo, he looks like a Llama... just sayin'.
Oooh! Last night i done a Night Dive on the Wall, it was really nice, a bit cold but nice. Sam, Dannii, ( the other Dive Master Intern) Mark and I all went out. Vis was okay, life was good and there was a nice bit of banter afterwards, chilled out in the shop after.

Went out for a drive with Dannii and Sam down to Los Cristianos we walked along the beach, watched the sun set.. jumped in holes... (Yeah, i'll back up there) We actually did.. dont believe me?

Hey, here's me... - - >

Yeah... That actually happened.

I can't think of anything else to add now, thats pretty much you could up on my life over the last few days.

Oh! I have a cold now, so my ears are playing up, might not be able to dive for a while :/ Sad times..

Until the next time everyone,

I would like to apologise for the weird paragraph lay out, it wont let me edit it, sorry.

Diver18 ouuttt!

martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Hello again world!

Well howdy partner!

Well, i have had a good day today. Finished at the bar around half 1 last night and was home for 2am.
I hope up to my flatmate watching TV, so. I attempted to wake up, but it just wasnt happening. as 8:30 rang on around i finally got out of bed. Why is it that beds are always so much more comfy when you wake up? Why i say! Its just not fair.

My students arrived at the dive center for half 9-ish and i began briefing the Discover Scuba Diver.
After that i then done a try dive in the pool with a girl who wanted to try diving, she liked it so much she said she would do the DSD next time she was back - which is cool :)

It was cool, i had my Dive Master Intern Sam in the pool with me watching and noting my control of the student. He is doing well, i think he is going to make a good Dive Master.

Oh, And Happy Valentines Day to my awesome friend back home  :) - - - - - ->

Well, thats pretty much what i have done today, im going to go home now before i need to go to work in the bar.

Diver18 out!

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012

9am start!

Hello all.

Well, as you can guess from the title i had a 9am start. Because its the weekend i work start work at 12 in my other job. SO! I was up at 8 and stumbling around trying to wake up. I had pancakes for breakfast though, that was ace.

I got into the Dive resort for about 8.40 (ish) from here i just sat down and relaxed. when 9 hit i began preparing paperwork for the new diver. - Oh, i forgot to say that, im doing an Advanced Course. Went down on the house reef for the Navigation dive with my student and my Dive Master Intern - Sam, it was the most beautiful i have seen the house reef, Low tide, 30m vis.. 19 degrees.. (rather cold) was just amazing. Just flat calm.. it was awesome.

When i finished the nav dive i began getting ready for my other job, i was out the water at 11:45 and in the bar for 12, i felt like Clark Kent turning into Superman, into the changing room and BOOM! out in a brand new costume.. I am rather tired, but it was an amazing was to start the day.

This is me by the way

Introducing me....


 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Well, Thats me for today. Talk to you later!

Diver18 outttttt!

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

Im back again!

Hey there dudes and dudettes.

Well, a few things have changed since my last update.

I am now doing a  Open Water straight through to Dive Master course, so im pretty excited... (and nervous)
Im currently almost finished the advanced, just got to do Photography and Wreck and it will be finished.

The guy im doing the courses for - called Sam. Believe it or not is also my room mate, and I have to say, he is pretty awesome. Turns out aswell that he lives actually quite close to me! AND, he is friends with some of my friends, Small world ay!

Im currently in the dive resort with "The Boss" i'm pretty sure she is doing somthing important, its gone real quiet, so I think she may be defusing a bomb... or playing Soduko..

Im not entirly sure how i am going to use this blog, I intend just to update every week on what has happened to me or mabye some cool things that have taken place underwater, yeah, it will be a suprise! every post hopefully will be interesting, I hope.

I am going to give one of the manyreasons why I like diving in tenerife.. Infact, I will sum it up with the aid of some graphics!

< -Back Home - Warm Tenerife. - >

..Need i say more?

Don't worry, im not as platic as the photo on the right  makes me seem, im actually rather human.

So im pretty blogged out now, i will attempt another blog at some stage when i have more to tell.

Diver18 signing out.... again..